Dialogue Prompt – Staggering Amount of Parmesan

In this dialogue prompt from The Fake Redhead the speaker says that there is no such thing as too much Parmesan and I am inclined to agree. That stuff is absolutely delicious and you can never have too much. Obviously... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Real Reason

There is something a find quite amusing about the idea that this person really doesn’t have a twin brother and for some reason they are pretending they do. The Fake Redhead leaves you questioning, what is real here right along... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Feverish Assassin

This prompt is both funny and serious at the same time. The Fake Redhead does a great job of showing off the potential of either option or even both. It is interesting to note that the person in the quote... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Busy Kidnappers

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, we have a character who has been kidnapped, not once or even twice, but three times in a single week. This presents a rather interesting question. How’d the keep escaping? There is also... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Repeat Childhood Twice

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, we have a character who has definitely had a different kind of life. We may not know a lot about them, but what we do know is well, a lot. Anyone who has... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Destroy Him

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, we have a character who cares enough about someone else not to date him. She doesn’t think it would be a good relationship for him, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like him.... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Dragon in Backpack

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, we go to the fun topic of “are dragons real?” Now you may not agree with me. You may not think it’s a fun topic. That’s okay if you don’t, but this prompt... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Ghost Family

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, it sounds like someone has a haunted house. The funny thing is they really don’t see this as either unusual or at all a problem. On top of that it’s not just one... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Identity Reveal

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, someone has discovered someone else’s secret identity. At least I think that’s what’s going on. It could, instead, be that they are the one with a secret identity and they have decided the... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – All of Them

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, there is a certain urgency to the words. We don’t know what they are talking about and it could be something very benign, such as a game, but whatever it is this is... Read more