Today is a day that gives me mixed feelings. According to what I was told, when my dad was a teen this was the day of his dad’s funeral and when I was a kid it was also the day... Read more
This prompt takes the building blocks of a story I saw posted on social media, so I tried to keep in with as little identifying information as possible. I do not know this person and cannot begin to imagine the... Read more
There is something a find quite amusing about the idea that this person really doesn’t have a twin brother and for some reason they are pretending they do. The Fake Redhead leaves you questioning, what is real here right along... Read more
This prompt is actually a follow up on another prompt I wrote. In that prompt you had the daughter of an assassin trying to protect the victims of her community. This one is after she managed to find people she... Read more
This prompt is the result of feeling yesterday’s prompt was a bit too serious and while this could definitely a rather serious situation it is also one that could be on the more absurd side. After all who would not... Read more
This prompt is based off of a character who was underdeveloped in a fandom I am in and I decided to be one of the many people who did my own take on her. There was a lot of potential... Read more
The idea for this came from a story I read. There was a lot more going on in the story and this was a pretty minor point overall, only being brought up a handful of times in the entire story,... Read more
This prompt is another one that is based off of something that I have already written. I list it as a character prompt, because my focus is on the siblings and their reactions more than on the actual magic world... Read more
There are various stories out there where someone dies and becomes like a guardian angel or actually becomes a guardian angel. The first one that comes to mind for me is always Touched by an Angel, which is not what... Read more
As with some of my other prompts, I don’t have a specific inspiration for this. It was an attempt to create an angst prompt that didn’t really go the way I wanted it to. In addition it’s hard to say... Read more