Dialogue Prompt – Aggressively Ignore

I’m sure there are pieces of our lives that all of us would like to ignore. Of course most of us know that won’t work. Imagine, if you will, that you were to actively try to ignore something that was... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Gold Star

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, we have a rather interesting conversation. There are just two people talking and we don’t know what brought this up, but I get the idea that this is probably a very real thing... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Apologize to the Tree

We have a give and take relationship with plants. They give us oxygen to breath and we return carbon dioxide to them. Just as we must not let the plants die out or we will run out of air, neither... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Dragons Good, Spiders Bad

Imagine being scared of something small when you take on something big on a regular basis. It really isn’t the same thing and anyone who thinks so just doesn’t get it. Big things may be harder to deal with, but... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Twin Makes No Sense

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, something is not right. Depending on which character you believe, what isn’t right could be very different. The relationship between the two characters is a little unclear, but it seems likely that they... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Die Again

How do you see yourself dying? What a question to ask. And yet, we hear it from time to time in a variety of situations. And the answers can be quite varied anything from wanting to die quietly in bed... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Pants Bad

I absolutely love this prompt by The Fake Redhead. Every time I see it it makes me giggle. What is going on in this character’s head? There are some very logical reasons why this character might like pants, but even... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Legal to Drink

Different places have different laws about when you are legal to drink. In this specific example from The Fake Redhead, we don’t know where these people are or what the rules about about drinking in that place, but we do... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – I Never Did

This dialogue prompt from Ruby Rumsey is a very sad one. Everyone wants to be loved and the first speaker is being clear that love was not on the agenda for their relationship. As with all prompts, this is up... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Wine and Pants

Alcoholic beverages have a way of releasing people from their inhibitions. Sometimes this can be a good thing, but more frequently it leads to problems, usually minor ones. Things such as what is in the prompt from The Fake Redhead... Read more