After trying to find a good place to swim, and time to do it in, this whole trip, we went to the beach, Palm Beach to be exact. You get there and you have two options. You can park along the road just outside for free or you can go into the small parking area for $10. We went with some friends who had come down just to see us while we were in the state and we decided to meet at the beach.
Once there I could almost feel the sand in my toes. There was a huge hill of sand leading up to a beautiful vantage point overlooking the ocean. It’s been far too long since I had been to the ocean and just last night we were disappointed to learn that the Santa Cruz beach was off limits to swimmers due to some infectious agent in the water.
As soon as I had my suit on I began the climb up the hill. Unfortunately I made the decision to wear my sneakers up the hill. With every step up the steep incline I was in sand almost up to my ankles and I worried the whole way up that I would get sand in my shoes. Such a pointless worry.
Of course I was going to get sand in my shoes. It’s the beach.
When I reached the top of the hill I came to a stop and stared down at the waves. I didn’t have much time to just stand there because my niece was running ahead of me and I was supposed to be watching her until her parents reached the beach, so I ran down after her wishing I didn’t have my shoes on so I could wiggle my toes in the sand.
Finally, I was there. I had been waiting for this chance for a long time. One of the many things I miss about my home state of California in the time since we moved away is the lack of amazing beaches near us. Now, I didn’t live on the coast, but we had a pretty amazing beach that we would go to on a regular basis and an awesome swimming pool where you could just swim and enjoy the water.
I put down my towel and other items, got off my shoes and soon I was off into the water. As I walked toward the water’s edge, I dug my toes into first the dry sand and then the damp sand and finally the wet sand and I took off running.
The first bit where it is only inches deep is easy, because you aren’t dealing with a very strong pull from the water. Then, the sand starts to dissolve beneath your feet as the water tugs at it. It’s an amazing feeling. As you get a little farther the water starts to drag at you and it feels like you aren’t going anywhere even as you walk for several feet, because the water is moving away from the shore faster than you are walking.
Then, the wave hits.
At first it’s just making ankle deep water turn into knee deep water for a moment. As you get farther and farther it becomes deeper until water that is up to your waist is suddenly over your head and you close your mouth and pinch your nose closed lest you take in the sickeningly salty water.
It was a thrilling feeling right up until the moment I was spitting out sea salt. Ugg. How is it that anyone puts that on their food? Something must change with the taste or else it is in such low doses that it just doesn’t taste that way.
Not about to let something like a ton of salt or cold water keep me from enjoying the ocean, I had fun with the waves, jumping up as one hit me and trying to stay with my head above water. It wasn’t always successful, but it was so much fun.
There are so many ways to enjoy water from running around the sprinkler in your front yard and slip-n-slides to swimming pools and beaches. Where do you prefer to have fun in the water?