Some people just have bad aim. The people trying to kill the second character in this prompt seem to be among those. Most likely they did try multiple ways to kill them, but clearly none of them worked and you... Read more
Gossip can ruin people’s lives. Sometimes it is deserved, but even then is it really the right choice to make? In this prompt something pretty big has been said about one of these two characters and while they care, the... Read more
Today is a day that gives me mixed feelings. According to what I was told, when my dad was a teen this was the day of his dad’s funeral and when I was a kid it was also the day... Read more
Wondering what comes after life or if something comes after life is not something new. There are many different beliefs on that and what you believe on the afterlife can affect what you do in the here and now. I... Read more
This prompt is based off a group of friends in one of my stories who had a hard choice to make when they were younger that still had repercussions in the present day. In the story there is an item... Read more
This prompt is connected to another prompt I posted a few days ago about a character who was a guardian angel of sorts. It gives you a little more info on that character, but you don’t have to use the... Read more
This writing prompt is based off a story line I am planning for a series I am working on. One of the main characters works for his family’s business as a chef. One evening near close the restaurant is attacked... Read more
Nothing to see here. I’m not sure I’ve ever actually seen mistletoe. I absolutely had to find a picture of it to include with this prompt from Holloway’s Hideaway, but I still don’t think I’ve ever seen it in person.... Read more
Not sure what I was thinking when I wrote this, but my guess is I was watching too many YouTubers read reddit posts. Or just enough. Nothing says it has to be too many, just that it was enough that... Read more
Another fun one by Marian Elizabeth. It is a common stereotype that men don’t like chick flicks. I can’t say I am too fond of them myself. They aren’t bad so much as there are other movies that interest me... Read more