Writing Prompt – Society that Values Emotional Skills

Skills should be valued, but it’s not realistic to pretend that most people have certain skills they value over others. In most, maybe all, societies and communities I have heard about the most valued skills were either physical or mental.... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Rock Monster Ate It

When I see this prompt the first thing I think of is The Neverending Story. I’m not sure why, but the rock eater from the movie stuck in my head. I’ve never read the book, but I do want to... Read more

Writing Prompts – Other Dimension Life

Can you imagine someone, anyone, leaving your side for a quarter of a minute and when that person returned they tell you a massive amount of time has passed. Even if this was someone you trusted more than anyone else,... Read more

Writing Prompt – Aging at One Quarter Speed

I can’t say I remember the details much and I certainly don’t remember who it was, but as a child I remember watching the Olympics or some other similar competition and the announcers were talking about one of the competitors,... Read more

Writing Prompt – How You Saved Earth

So I did the math for this particular prompt from Writing.Prompt.S and since it’s just multiples of 10 it was easy. This person absolutely saved the planet. With our current population being around 8 billion, this is slightly low for... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Dragon in Backpack

In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, we go to the fun topic of “are dragons real?” Now you may not agree with me. You may not think it’s a fun topic. That’s okay if you don’t, but this prompt... Read more

Character Bank – Tall Elf

There are some very common stereotypes for elves just as with any other common fantasy race. Some of the most common are thanks to J.R.R. Tolkien’s fictional Middle Earth and the elves that resided there, such as tall, ethereal, and... Read more

Writing Prompt – Loki’s Godchild

My only real exposure to Loki is the MCU, so I’m not exactly well versed. Well, that and Supernatural, but that isn’t exactly known for being even remotely accurate to the mythology. Given all that I am not going to... Read more

Writing Prompt – First Date and an Old Son

Talk about an awkward situation. Even if two people really liked each other, this would be really tough to take in on a first date, but can you imagine it being a first date with someone you met in person... Read more

Character Bank – Military Clerics

Sometimes there is a fine line between discipline and abuse. While it is possible that the main character is an unreliable narrator and this character was just being disciplined, that seems very unlikely. First is ways he was beaten. People... Read more