Character Bank – Translucent Wings

Yes, she is a My Little Pony, a flutter pony to be exact. No, I am not kidding. She is not one of the ponies I had in my childhood and instead is a newer addition to my collection. Her... Read more

Writing Prompt – Uncommon Flower

All I can really say about this year is that it’s been something else. Some would say that it’s the worst year ever or the worst year of their lives and for some that is certainly true. I’ll just say... Read more

Character Bank – Centaur Likes Shiny Things

There is something quite fun about this character. It doesn’t say much about her and it doesn’t need to. She is eccentric, so she’s probably not part of the in crowd. Maybe she doesn’t have a lot of friends or... Read more

Character Bank – Hair Like a Thundercloud

The idea that there is someone or something higher than us can be quite comforting or absolutely terrifying, depending on what you believe about such a person. Are they the kind of person who wants whats best for you and... Read more

Character Bank – Mute Witch’s Daughter

As the daughter of a witch, this character probably was brought up learning how to do whatever things a witch does. Perhaps she is a healer. Perhaps she learned how to curse people similar to how she was cursed. It’s... Read more

Character Bank – Tall Mermaid

I have to admit that one thing I never considered about mermaids was whether or not they were tall, so the idea of a tall mermaid has me, as a relatively tall woman, curious. Beyond the fact that I’m pretty... Read more

Character Bank – Faerie Name

There are few things more important to the fae than names. They try to steal other people’s names, but what about their own names? What happens when a faerie cannot remember his own name? What kind of difficulties will it... Read more

Character Bank – Curious Sprite

This character is one of those people you probably either love or hate. With a curious nature that likely gets him in trouble and a happy demeanor that probably gets on the nerves of less excited acquaintances, he probably is... Read more

Writing Prompt – Zombie and Ghost

Zombies and Ghosts are both associated with death. There are a lot of different things that come to mind when someone thinks of them, but ultimately they are both associated with death. In this prompt from Writing.Prompt.S they both come... Read more

Writing Prompt – Daydream World

In this prompt from Writing-Prompt-S we find that the world a child dreamed about was made real somehow. This is a curious idea for a couple reasons. The first thing is how did this happen? It appears from the prompt... Read more