Character Bank – Always Help Someone

The man in this character bank seems like a nice sort. He also seems a little reckless. While it isn’t explicitly stated, it does seem to imply that he lives alone, but that doesn’t have to be the case. He... Read more

Writing Prompt – Beloved Politician

There are a lot of bad politicians out there. It’s hard to believe anyone would deny that fact. What some people might deny is that there are also good politicians. Of course there are though, in both cases. With this... Read more

Worldbuilding Spotlight: Types of Governments

When creating governments it is important to know what kind of government or governments you wish to create. You need to know the functions of those governments and how they interact with each other if you have multiple nations at... Read more

Writing Prompt – First Date and an Old Son

Talk about an awkward situation. Even if two people really liked each other, this would be really tough to take in on a first date, but can you imagine it being a first date with someone you met in person... Read more

Character Bank – Alternate Dimension Traveler

The first question I have when reading this prompt is how big is this alternate dimension and is it easily accessible for the normal dimension. I don’t think it’s possible to tell for sure from the prompt, so I am... Read more

Writing Prompt – Ancient Gods Enter the Workforce

I like stories that include the ancient mythological gods, so when I saw this one by Writing.Prompts.S I absolutely had to include it. Based off the wording, it seems likely that this loss of their powers was a recent event.... Read more

Writing Prompt – We’re Brothers

This prompt is both very sweet and very sad. The main character is at least far enough apart in age to not suspect that his dad wasn’t his biological dad. It’s not stated if he was adopted at birth or... Read more

Writing Prompt – Worst People In History

I think this is the first prompt I have had from Vision in Blue and it poses one of the classic time travel dilemmas. If you could go back in time and kill (insert horrible person who did horrible thing... Read more

Character Bank – Military Clerics

Sometimes there is a fine line between discipline and abuse. While it is possible that the main character is an unreliable narrator and this character was just being disciplined, that seems very unlikely. First is ways he was beaten. People... Read more

Writing Prompt – Get Back Custody

A lot of relationships end badly. And of those that make it to marriage, a lot of them end long before “til death do us part.” It’s bad enough when there are just two people involved in the break up... Read more