Can you imagine if your drink had magical properties? Magic is something that many people like to imagine and wonder about and it’s something we don’t know, not really, how we would react if it actually was real. With this prompt, there is a lot packed in and a lot to wonder about.
The first thing to wonder about is the idea that magic is returning to the world. That implies that magic was once in the world and something removed it somehow. With that concept, you must wonder as what that is and how it came to be such.
After that you have to wonder what other affects magical drinks would have and how people would react to these. Would this make some drinks more valuable or more expensive? Would people work to make them more affordable or would someone try to hoard the recipes so that they could reap as much profit as possible? Would laws be made preventing certain drinks from being legally sold or making sure that certain drinks were available to all? Seeing as we are 2/3s water, what affect would water have? What do you think of this idea? Would you find it interesting to include in your story?