Huggies & Baby Names

This one came as a complete surprise. It’s not your usual resource for baby names and it doesn’t have as many names as websites dedicated to the topic, but Huggies has some pretty interesting lists that you might consider taking... Read more

Our Baby Namer

By far my favorite baby name website is Our Baby Namer. The name is cute and easy to remember and that’s just the first of its many features. It has the Social Security Database info from 1880 on as well... Read more

Social Security Administration Popular Names Database

If you were born in the United States of America, then when you were born your name was recorded by the Social Security Administration. Since 1880, the Social Security Administration has been keeping track of how popular names are and... Read more

What’s In a Name?

I love names. First names. Middle names. Last Names. Personal Names. Nick Names. Family Names. The meanings and their history. I find it all fascinating. Over the last two decades or there abouts I have collected dozens of baby name... Read more

Fictional Family Trees: Simple Family Tree

When a new writing friend noticed that I was doing a series on family tree software for writers to use, she recommended Simple Family Tree. I’ve added it to me list on the main page and I’m sharing with you... Read more

Fictional Family Trees and Real Genealogy Software Programs

I couldn’t have been more than seven or eight, maybe younger, the first time I got to hold those precious pieces of paper that my great aunt sent my dad, the ones with information about our family. I remember hours... Read more

Day 31, Midnight – 10 Things I Learn in the July 2015 Camp NaNoWriMo

It’s been an interesting month. I’ve had Camp NaNoWriMos before where I had limited access to the internet, but this was pushing it. Shortly after 1 AM, Central Standard Time, I validated my word count goal. It was the first... Read more

Same Spell Casting Story, Rejected Title

Spell Caster has gone through a lot since I first conceived it and this is the biggest one yet. Originally it was the second book in the series, but I soon came to realize that there were too many disparate... Read more

Pantser or Plotter

The first time I heard the word pantser was in the forums of NaNoWriMo. I thought the word looked odd, but it didn’t take long to figure out what it meant. Someone who is a pantser is someone who “writes... Read more

Productivity on a Holiday

For some people a holiday means absolutely nothing. For others it is a time to spend with family, sometimes the only time with family they get over the course of a year. And there are others for whom, a holiday... Read more