Imagine if you will being in the middle of a war and losing a sibling. Sadly for many people this isn’t hard to imagine because this is their reality. It is not clear from the prompt if the revolution is... Read more
Tensions are rising. People no longer believe that the opposition is entitled to their own opinion and that what the opposition believes is hateful and evil. Hundreds of thousands of people are ready to fight, ready to kill over words.... Read more
This prompt is interesting to me in that it is literally based off events that happened in my family back in the 19th century. One of my ancestors was in a large family. At the time of the American Civil... Read more
Things are kind of crazy this year, so I thought I’d go take a Blast From the Past and take inspiration from 1999 back when we were “fighting” the “oh so scary” Y2K. I don’t know about you, but that... Read more
I don’t recall a specific inspiration for this prompt, but I do know something that comes to mind when I think of it. It’s a series be D. Dalton called All Things Impossible. As far as I know this does... Read more
It is always preferable to be at peace with your neighbors at least for most people. In this prompt I consider the idea of a broken relationship between two neighboring countries formerly at peace. There are many countries all over... Read more
This prompt, like some of the others was inspired by something I read. I took the bare basics and made them into a prompt. As written it works best in either fantasy or religious fiction, depending of course on if... Read more