Writing Prompt – Villain’s Love

One of the first questions that comes to mind is wondering what exactly is the villains goal. Obviously using the love interest against the hero is not uncommon, but what is the villain trying to accomplish. It’s left open to... Read more

Writing Prompt – Younger Sister

Imagine living in a world where superheroes and supervillains are real. Have you got that image in your head? Okay, good. Now, think about your siblings, especially if they are younger. If you don’t have any think about your friends... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – Kissing You

This one makes me laugh. It’s an altogether very serious subject depending on what actually happened, but it still makes me laugh. Considering how little is here, there really isn’t a lot that we know about this situation. We don’t... Read more

Writing Prompt – Relief

Angst prompts are scary. That is what I have decided after looking for one to share with you. The first one I am sharing is from Tomi Adeyemi. Unlike the last one by her from a couple days ago, which... Read more

Nameberry Hunter

We previously discussed the baby name website Nameberry. One element of that site that we did not cover was their random name generator. I love the name they gave it: Namehunter. It gives the impression that you are a hunter... Read more

Dialogue Prompt – I Knew You’d Live

There are some prompts that I call “betrayal or trust.” The idea behind these is that someone whom one of the people previously believed they could trust has done something that looks like betrayal and they have to decide whether... Read more

Writing Prompt – Late

This next prompt comes from New York Times bestselling author, Tomi Adeyemi. I don’t know much about her, but I definitely think that she makes some thought provoking writing prompts. If you want to check out her whole arsenal of... Read more

World Builders

This new addition to the map makers series is another one that talks about how to make maps as well as some of the tools you can use to make them. I love the mindset of the author on Where... Read more

Writing Prompt – Past Lives Author

Purple Dragon Prompts are amazing. I am just so impressed with all these creative people writing prompts and sharing them with the world. Purple Dragon Prompts are the brain child of Kayleigh Gallagher author of the book Defy. According to... Read more

Writing Prompt – The Crown Tattoo

The newest prompt writer that I have found and would like to share with you is Shauna Philp. She’s quite creative and has a lot of prompts to share. As of writing this there are almost 700 prompts on her... Read more