There are a lot of things you can potentially accomplish in life. Some of these are far more of interest to the general public than others. I think, however, that just because the general public is more interest in them... Read more
In this new prompt we get the idea of writing about a writer, except in this case, the writer is probably not the point of view character. After all, the point of view character usually has to be conscious. Now... Read more
This prompt is a little dark since it involves the main character’s wife trying to kill them. At the same time there is some humor in the fact that the main character can’t die and is actively just letting her... Read more
I don’t even know what to think of this one. It definitely seems like the character in this prompt is an anti-hero. As I have never been in the military, I don’t know what it’s like to return to civilian... Read more
One of the first questions that comes to mind is wondering what exactly is the villains goal. Obviously using the love interest against the hero is not uncommon, but what is the villain trying to accomplish. It’s left open to... Read more