The inspiration for this prompt wasn’t anything all that earth shattering. It was the concept of the monster under the bed and seems to have evolved into something about changelings. To be clear, I am not saying that the brother... Read more
Location vault is a new category focused on locations in much the way that character bank is focused on characters. I’m sure other people have done similar things, but I couldn’t find any names for it, so I came up... Read more
As with some of my other prompts, I don’t have a specific inspiration for this. It was an attempt to create an angst prompt that didn’t really go the way I wanted it to. In addition it’s hard to say... Read more
In this prompt by The Fake Redhead, something is not right. Depending on which character you believe, what isn’t right could be very different. The relationship between the two characters is a little unclear, but it seems likely that they... Read more