Can you imagine someone, anyone, leaving your side for a quarter of a minute and when that person returned they tell you a massive amount of time has passed. Even if this was someone you trusted more than anyone else,... Read more
I have seen a lot of talk of funny tombstones and long epithets, but in general the tombstones I see are pretty similar. Occasionally an older one will list how someone died or list them as the husband or wife... Read more
It cannot be confirmed, but the oldest believed person in modern times is believed to have been 134 or 135 at her death while 122 is the person whose age was verified. No clue how accurate that information is since... Read more
Driving. sigh It’s not exactly my favorite thing. I can drive and I think I am a decent driver, but I don’t really like to drive. I will drive when I need to and if I got a job where... Read more